Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What about a little self reliance?

Dear Mr. President,

Yesterday a doctor ordered a social work consult for a young woman who insisted on being admitted to the hospital. She was single and 34 weeks pregnant. I visited with her and inquired about her concerns. She shrugged and explained the baby's father is now in Mexico, she is unemployed, missed her WIC appointment, and lacks the basic necessities (like crib sheets) for her baby. Her mom sat in the corner and complained that, "the government wants her to work. How can she possibly work when she is pregnant and uncomfortable? But now, the government won't help her. She needs a girdle and crib sheets. What is she supposed to do?"

I bit my tongue and held back my words. I wanted to tell her I worked until I was 36 weeks pregnant with twins. For the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy, the only shoes that fit my swolen feet were my husband's flip flops. In fact the day my twins were born, I worked from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and then had an emergency c-section at 2:20 p.m.

Please Mr. President, don't encourage dependence on government aid. Create programs that foster independence and self-reliance.

Thank you,

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